Tuesday, April 2, 2024

جی سی یونیورسٹی فیصل آباد کے ماس کمیونیکیشن ڈیپارٹمنٹ کی چیئرپرسن کی نااہلی، یونیورسٹی کا کیمپس ریڈیو 17 سال میں بھی نہ چل سکا۔


فیصل آباد( آئی این پی) جی سی یونیورسٹی فیصل آباد کے ماس کمیونیکیشن ڈیپارٹمنٹ کی چیئرپرسن کی نااہلی کے باعث یونیورسٹی کا کیمپس ریڈیو شروع نہ ہو سکا۔ 17 سال قبل ماس کمیونیکیشن ڈیپارٹمنٹ کے سابق ڈائریکٹر نے کیمپس ریڈیو چلا نے کیلئے ایف ایم ریڈیو کا لائسنس لیا تھا۔ فنڈز میسر ہونے اور سٹوڈیو کیلئے جگہ موجود ہونے کے باوجود ماس کمیونیکیشن ڈیپارٹمنٹ کی چیئرپرسن سلمیٰ امبر کی نااہلی اور ہٹ دھرمی کے باعث 17سالوں سے کیمپس ریڈیو کا آغاز نہیں ہو پایا۔ تفصیل کے مطابق جی سی یونیورسٹی فیصل آباد نے سال 2007 میں کیمپس ریڈیو شروع کرنے کیلئے لائسنس لیا تھا۔ سابق ڈائریکٹر ماس کمیونیکیشن ڈیپارٹمنٹ ڈاکٹر اے آر خالد کی ذاتی کوششوں سے ایف ایم 92.6 کی فریکوئنسی کے ساتھ کیمپس ریڈیو کی منظوری ہوئی۔ ڈاکٹر اے آر خالد کے اچانک تبادلے سے اس وقت کام رک گیا جس کے بعد ڈیپارٹمنٹ کا چارج سلمیٰ امبر نامی خاتون کے پاس آگیا ۔یونیورسٹی میں پی آر او اور ڈائریکٹر و ڈپٹی ڈائریکٹر میڈیا کی پوسٹس ہونے کے باوجود سلمیٰ امبر نے یونیورسٹی کے آفیشل کیمپس ریڈیو کا لائسنس اپنے ذاتی نام پر منتقل کروا لیا جس کے باعث یونیورسٹی انتظامیہ نے اسے چلانے کی اجازت دینے سے انکار کردیا۔ بعد ازاں موجودہ وائس چانسلر نے اپنے سابقہ دور کے دوران 2019 میں کیمپس ریڈیو کا لائسنس سلمیٰ امبر کے نام سے ختم کیلئے کوششیں کیں تاہم ریڈیو پھر بھی شروع نہ ہوسکا۔ پمیرا ریکارڈ کے مطابق جی سی یونیورسٹی فیصل آباد کا ریڈیو لائسنس سلمیٰ امبر کے نام سے بدل کر چیئرپرسن ڈیپارٹمنٹ آف ماس کمیونیکیشن کے نام سے کروا لیا گیا تھا اور آج بھی لائسنس موجود ہے تاہم طویل عرصہ سے اس کی فیسیں ادا نہیں کی گئیں۔ چند سال قبل یونیورسٹی میں ریڈیو کے سٹوڈیو کیلئے جگہ بھی دی گئی تھی مگر اسے ڈیپارٹمنٹ نے دیگر کاموں میں استعمال کرلیا ہے اور کیمپس ریڈیو ابھی تک شروع نہیں کیا جا سکا۔  اس وجہ سے ماس کمیونیکیشن میں ماسٹر ڈگری حاصل کرنے والوں کے تربیت بھی مناسب طریقے سے نہیں ہو سکتی جس کے نتیجے میں ان کوپرائیویٹ سیکٹر میں نوکری بھی نہیں مل سکتی جبکہ صرف فیصل آباد سے ہی جتنے طلباء ماس کمیونیکیشن کی ڈگری لے چکے ہیں اتنی جاب بھی گورنمنٹ آف پاکستان کے پاس نہیں ہیں ۔  ماس کمیونیکیشن کی ڈگری لینے والے طلباء کے والدین  اور سول سوسائٹی کی طرف سے گورنر پنجاب، وزیر اعلیٰ پنجاب ، چیئر مین ایچ ای سی سے مطالبہ کیا گیا ہے کہ ماس کمیونیکیشن کے طلباء کے ساتھ اس زیادتی اور ان کا مستقبل تباہ کرنے والوں کے خلاف سخت کارروائی کی جائے اور یونیورسٹی کےایف ایم ریڈیو سٹیشن کو فوری مکمل کروا کر طلباء کی ٹریننگ شروع کروا کر ان کا معاشی مستقبل تباہ ہو نے سے بچایا جائے ۔

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

تھانہ روشن والا علاقہ 247 میں بھٹہ مزدور دو بچے مٹی تلے دب کر جاں بحق دو زخمی ہو گئے

فیصل آباد(خبرنامہ نیوز) تھانہ روشن والا علاقہ 247 رب میں بھٹہ مزدور دو بچے مٹی تلے تب کر جاں بحق جبکہ دو زخمی ہو گئے۔ روشن والا پولیس موقع پر پہنچ کر لاشیں قبضہ میں لے لی اور انکوائری شروع کردی، پولیس کا اعلامیہ ۔ تفصیلات کے مطابق تھانہ روشن والا فیصل آباد کےعلاقہ 247 ر۔ب میانی سمندری روڈ پر بھٹہ پر مزدوری کررہے تھے کہ مٹی کا تودا گرنے سے یہ مزدور نیچے آگئے ۔ریسکیو 1122 کے مطابق جب ان کی ٹیم وہاں پہنچی تو متاثرہ افراد کو قریب ہی ایک پرائیویٹ ہسپتال لے جا چکے تھے۔ہسپتال کے ڈاکٹرز کے مطابق یہ بچے جاں بحق ہو چکے تھے۔ 1122 کے مطابق جاں بحق ہونے والے علی حسین 14 سال ، طیب 10 سال پسران خادم حسین چک نمبر 247 میانی سمندری روڈ فیصل آباد تھے-ذرائع کے مطابق 2 بچوں کو زخمی حالت میں سول اسپتال منتقل کیا جارہا تھا ۔روشن والا پولیس موقع پر پہنچ کر لاشیں قبضہ میں لے لی اور انکوائری شروع کردی ہے ۔ بھٹہ مالکان سے مزدوروں نے ایڈوانس یا قرض لیا ہوتا ہے اس کو پورا کرنے کے لئے یہ بچے والدین کے ساتھ کام کر رہے ہوتے ہیں جو کہ چائلڈ لیبر کے زمرے میں آتے ہیں ۔ اور یہ حرکت تقریبا تمام بھٹوں پر ہوتی ہے۔ مگر لیبر ڈیپارٹمنٹ اور پولیس نے اس سے آنکھیں بند کر رکھی ہیں ۔مبینہ ذرائع کا کہنا ہے کہ یہ بچے بھی اپنے لواحقین کے ساتھ مزدوری کر رہے تھے جو وہاں مٹی کے تودے تلےآگئے مگر بھٹہ مالکان تو یہ قبول نہیں کریں گے بلکہ ان کے پریشر اور اپنے خلاف کاروائی کے خوف سے وہ مالکان بھٹہ کا پڑھایا گیا بیان ہی پولیس کو دیں گے ۔ اہلیا ں علاقہ، سول سوسائٹیز کی طرف سے مریم نواز شریف وزیر اعلیٰ پنجاب، آئی جی پنجاب ، چیف سیکرٹری پنجاب ، کمشنر اور ڈپٹی کمشنر فیصل آباد، ڈی آئی جی اور چی پی او فیصل آباد سے مطالبہ کیا گیا ہے کہ ایک ہائی لیول کی انکوئری کمیٹی تشکیل دیں جو ان بھٹہ کے سرپرائز وزٹ کرے اور ان بھٹہ مالکان کے خلاف چائلڈ لیبر پر سخت کارروائی کرے

Sunday, March 17, 2024

An overview of the 2013-2018-2024 Pakistan elections, How different is the National Assembly of Pakistan 2024 from the previous assemblies,

الیکشن 2024 پر ایک تحقیقتی رپورٹ سال 2013، 2018 اور 2024 کے انتخابات کا ایک جائزہ سال 2024 کی قومی اسمبلی گذشتہ اسمبلیوں سے کتنی مختلف۔ایک تحقیقاتی رپورٹ پاکستان کی 2013، 2018 اور 2024 قومی تعلیم، عمر اور پیشے کے لحاظ سے تینوں اسمبلیوں میں تقابل پاکستان کی صوبائی اسمبلیوں میں یہی تقابل اگلے وی لاگ میں کریں گے۔

An overview of the 2013-2018-2024 Pakistan elections, How different is the National Assembly of Pakistan 2024 from the previous assemblies, Comparison of the three national assemblies of Pakistan in terms of education age and occupation, Education-wise details of members of the Pakistan National Assembly in the three National Assemblies, Age-wise details of members of the National Assembly in the three Pakistan National Assemblies, Occupation wise details of members of the National Assembly in the three Pakistan National Assemblies, The same comparison will be made in the provincial assemblies in the next v-log,

Thursday, March 14, 2024

What is an aquifer? Where groundwater can move rapidly,

What is an aquifer? Where groundwater can move rapidly, such as through gravel and sandy deposits, an aquifer can form. In an aquifer, there is enough groundwater that it can be pumped to the surface and used for drinking water, irrigation, industry, or other uses. For water to move through underground rock, pores or fractures in the rock must be connected. If rocks have good connections between pores or fractures and water can move freely through them, we say that the rock is permeable. Permeability refers to how well a material transmits water. If the pores or fractures are not connected, the rock material cannot produce water and is therefore not considered an aquifer. The amount of water an aquifer can hold depends on the volume of the underground rock materials and the size and number of pores and fractures that can fill with water. An aquifer may be a few feet to several thousand feet thick, and less than a square mile or hundreds of thousands of square miles in area. For example, the High Plains Aquifer underlies about 280,000 square miles in 8 states— Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming. Aquifer, Underground water, Ground water, rain, ice, snow, rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, wetlands, saturated zone, unsaturated zone, aquifer, aquifers, confined aquifer, unconfined aquifer, Edwards aquifer, aquifer recharge, Edwards aquifer authority, open aquifer, aquifer types, difference between confined and unconfined aquifer, how aquifers, closed aquifer, basalt aquifer, aquifer ka matlb, types of aquifer, light aquifers, Floridan aquifer, Biscayne aquifer, tertiary aquifer, Adelaide aquifer, sandstone aquifer, limestone aquifer, carbonate aquifer.

How does water fill an aquifer? Aquifers get water from precipitation (rain and snow) that filters through the unsaturated zone. Aquifers can also receive water from surface waters like lakes and rivers. When the aquifer is full, and the water table meets the surface of the ground, water stored in the aquifer can appear at the land surface as a spring or seep. Recharge areas are where aquifers take in water; discharge areas are where groundwater flows to the land surface. Water moves from higher-elevation areas of recharge to lower-elevation areas of discharge through the saturated zone.

How does water circulate? Surface water and groundwater are part of the hydrologic cycle, the constant movement of water above, on, and below the earth’s surface (Diagram 2). The cycle has no beginning and no end, but you can understand it best by tracing it from precipitation. Precipitation occurs in several forms, including rain, snow, and hail. Rain, for example, wets the ground surface. As more rain falls, water begins to filter into the ground. How fast water soaks into, or infiltrates the soil depends on soil type, land use, and the intensity and length of the storm. Water infiltrates faster into soils that are mostly sand than into those that are mostly clay or silt. Almost no water filters into paved areas. Rain that cannot be absorbed into the ground collects on the surface, forming runoff streams. When the soil is completely saturated, additional water moves slowly down through the unsaturated zone to the saturated zone, replenishing or recharging the groundwater. Water then moves through the saturated zone to groundwater discharge areas. Evaporation occurs when water from such surfaces as oceans, rivers, and ice is converted to vapor. Evaporation, together with transpiration from plants, rises above the Earth’s surface, condenses, and forms clouds. Water from both runoff and from groundwater discharge moves toward streams and rivers and may eventually reach the ocean. Oceans are the largest surface water bodies that contribute to evaporation. What affects groundwater contamination? Many processes can affect how contamination spreads and what happens to it in the groundwater, potentially making the contaminant more or less harmful, or toxic. Some of the most important processes affecting hazardous substances in groundwater are advection, sorption, and biological degradation. Advection occurs when contaminants move with the groundwater. This is the main form of contaminant migration in groundwater. Sorption occurs when contaminants attach themselves to soil particles. Sorption slows the movement of contaminants in groundwater, but also makes it harder to clean up contamination. Biological degradation happens when microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi, use hazardous substances as a food and energy source. In the process, contaminants break down and hazardous substances often become less harmful.
Passive Cooling System, Actives Colling System, Passive Colling System is Economical, Using passive cooling strategies to improve thermal performance and reduce energy consumption of residential buildings. Passive design responds to local climate and site conditions in order to maximize the comfort and health of building users while minimizing energy use. The key to designing a passive building is to take best advantage of the local climate. Passive cooling refers to any technologies or design features adopted to reduce the temperature of buildings without the need for power consumption.

Consequently, the aim of this study is to test the usefulness of applying selected passive cooling strategies to improve thermal performance and to reduce energy consumption of residential buildings in hot arid climate settings, namely Dubai, United Arab Emirates. One case building was selected and eight passive cooling strategies were applied. Energy simulation software – namely IES – was used to assess the performance of the building. Solar shading performance was also assessed using Sun Cast Analysis, as a part of the IES software. Energy reduction was achieved due to both the harnessing of natural ventilation and the minimizing of heat gain in line with applying good shading devices alongside the use of double glazing. Additionally, green roofing proved its potential by acting as an effective roof insulation. The study revealed several significant findings including that the total annual energy consumption of a residential building in Dubai may be reduced by up to 23.6% when a building uses passive cooling strategies.

Passive cooling uses free, renewable sources of energy such as the sun and wind to provide cooling, ventilation and lighting needs for a household. This additionally removes the need to use mechanical cooling. Applying passive cooling means reducing differences between outdoor and indoor temperatures, improving indoor air quality and making the building both a better and more comfortable environment to live or work in. It can also reduce levels of energy use and environmental impacts such as greenhouse gas emissions. Interest in passive design for either heating or cooling has grown recently – particularly in the last decade – as a part of a movement towards sustainable architecture. Well-designed envelopes maximize cooling movement of air and exclude the sun in the summer season. There are many types of passive cooling strategies that can be recommended for use in a hot arid climate such as the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Design strategies that minimize the need for mechanical cooling systems include proper window placement and daylight design, the selection of suitable glazing for windows or skylights, proper sized shading of glass when heat gains are being avoided, the use of light or reflective-colored materials for the building envelope and roof, careful siting and wise orientation decisions alongside appropriate landscaping design. Validation processes were attempted to calibrate the results including monitoring the temperature indoors and outdoors on different days of the year. Two simulation programs were also used for validation purposes – namely Design Builder and the IES. Against actual measuring on site, they recorded the highest temperatures in °C. The experimental process began in January 2011 and continued until December 2012 with averages being taken once each month during that period. Figure 1 shows that the difference between the three recorded temperatures came to less than 4.5%. Calibration took into account that air-conditioning was used during the summer, autumn and spring (with a set point of 22 °C), but was switched off during the winter – comprising November, December and January. Passive Cooling System, Actives Colling System, Passive Colling System is Economical, Building Colling, Passive Colling, Active Colling, passive cooling strategies, Solar shading ,roof insulation, renewable sources of energy ,renewable sources, indoor temperatures, outdoor and indoor temperatures, Design Builder

What economic challenges will the new government

What economic challenges will the new government, Develop equal relations with China and America. Pakistan’s election: Can the next government bring economic stability? . There will be no honeymoon period for winners of this week’s pivotal 2024 polls as economic challenges loom large. Election 2024: What important challenges will the new government face? Pakistan is a nuclear country with a population of 241 million. Pakistan, economic crisis, what economic challenges will the new government face? economic growth, economic crisis of Pakistan, the economics of modern monetary theory, Pakistan economic crises, Pakistan economic crisis 2023,PTI,Imran Khan, PPP, Asif Ali Zardari, Bilawal Bhatto, PMLN, Nawaz Sharif, Shahbaz Sharif, Maryam Nawaz Sharif, Punjab, KPK, Sindh, Baluchistan, Pakistan Election 2024, Election Commission Pakistan, Imran Khan in Jail. Pakistan is engulfed in many crises. The new government taking over will also face some challenges. Economic stability will require a popular and strong government. Vengeance should be eliminated and the environment should be made pleasant .Treading the difficult path of economic recovery Pakistan has to improve the tax system further. Electricity and gas prices have to be reduced. Controlling inflation will be a big challenge for the new government.

Lowering the political temperature marching with the army. Dealing with growing militancy Dealing with three tense borders. Improving relations between Pakistan and India should be a priority. An improvement in relations with the Taliban is inevitable. Relations with Iran must be improved. The Election Commission has to look into the allegations of rigging. Pakistan has to develop equal relations with China and America. Former Prime Minister Imran Khan languishes in jail as the authorities crack down on his Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party, while previously imprisoned and exiled former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is back to contest the vote alongside an array of other candidates from the left to the right. Some 40 percent of the population lives below the poverty line, inflation has skyrocketed to more than 30 percent, and according to a poll released this week, about 70 percent of Pakistanis believe economic conditions are worsening. With the current IMF programmed concluding in March, just as the new government will take power, analysts emphasize that the winning party’s first order of business must be to re-enter negotiations with the global lender to maintain stability. Simultaneously, Pakistan faces a looming debt payment crisis, with the central bank reporting $24bn of external debt obligations due by June 2024.

How are elections rigged?

Election Rigging In the world EP , Pakistan Election 204 Rigging , PTI claimed victory in elections , What is the relationship between the IMF and election rigging? After voting for Pakistan's general elections concluded on Thursday evening, videos started circulating on social media showing alleged rigging of votes in polling booths.

PML-N Senior Vice President Maryam Nawaz, who is also the party’s candidate for the Punjab chief minister’s role, has chaired a parliamentary meeting of the party prior to a session of the provincial assembly, Radio Pakistan, Candidates of political parties, except for Nawaz Sharif's PML-N, shared videos on social media, claiming that the mandate was being rigged in support of their rival candidates.

How are elections rigged?

How are elections rigged? How are elections rigged in the whole world, Pak Election 2024 Rigging. PTI claimed victory elections 2024 . The tradition of buying votes started from this country which is called Mother Democracy. USA, UK and other developed countries also get election rigging.

Different tactics of rigging are used in elections all over the world. Democracy is the only way to involve people in government. The allegation of rigging before the election is also called election rigging. If the election is made suspicious, the people's confidence in the election will be lost. The worst effect of election rigging is the loss of trust in democracy and the democratic process. How are elections rigged in the whole world ?

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Election is Over now matter of survival of Pakistan. Election differences have turned into anti-nationalism?

Election is Over now matter of survival of Pakistan. Election differences have turned into anti-nationalism? Just a day before the election, three bomb blasts, two in southwestern Baluchistan and one in Karachi, Sindh, left more than 30 people dead. Over the past year, more than 1,000 people have been killed in violence across the country. Despite assurances from the interim government, fears of internet closure in some areas as well as some election-day violence persist. the economy is in the doldrums, with inflation hovering around 30 percent, 40 percent of the population below the poverty line, a fast-depreciating currency and nearly three-fourths of the population convinced, according to recent polling, that things could get even worse.

The PTI also alleges harassment and even abductions of their candidates, forcing them to cut short their campaigns. The party has complained of restrictions imposed on rallies and media coverage of their plight. These allegations have led experts to consider this one of the most tainted elections in the country’s history.

الیکشن ختم ہو گئے ہیں اب ہار جیت کا نہیں ملکی بقا کا مسئلہ ہے۔ کیا سیاسی اختلافت اب ملک دشمنی میں تبدیل ہو گئے ہیں ؟ ۔۔۔۔ Please subscribe to this channel and like this video

What's challenges for New Government of Pakistan.